P.S. Don't lay in the sun if you are on antibiotics! Feet are burned, hands are burned, lips got burned, I should have known better!! Plus I forgot the Noni leaf spray, but this helps...
Justine,Gavin,Josh,Jake,Tanner,& Phillip worked hard. This is their version of "Everytime We Touch" by Cascada. They performed this at the high school lip sync, for a baseball fund raiser. It wasn't a competition, but they really were the best, the costumes and all. They were asked to do it again at the sports assembly. Maybe they will go on tour....
My favorite time of year! Only not so sure this year, graduation,(sniff,sniff.)Oh well, lets talk about fun stuff. We've been going to the high school baseball games, they seem to have one about every day. Justine's boyfriend has been catching, 1st base, and he pitched the other day, but we missed it. I asked Justine who the coach was by 3rd base, are you ready for this?, she said she didn't know where 3rd was, and started counting the bases!! Gavin's dad explained to her what catchers do...like that needs explanation! (Oh well, we shouldn't make fun, she has played tennis for years, I still don't know how to keep score!) I love watching the games, and get a little sucked in.
Justine signed up to be on the high school golf team today! We have been laughing ever since. She has NEVER been. She doesn't have clubs, shoes, and get this, she doesn't really know where the golf course is. The courage, and enthusiasm she has is amazing. So at this moment, she recruited old friends to go to the driving range with her. Try outs are coming up! Anyone know where we can find childrens golf shoes, size 3? Or clubs that her hands can fit around? Track is so much easier! The adventures never end at this house!